iTrend FOREX

4.8 ( 6668 ratings )
開発者 iTrend

iTrend is a new, simplified way to trade Forex, company stocks and commodities such as gold and oil.

iTrend was specially created to help newcomers step into the exciting world of trading the global financial markets. We decluttered features, removed complex terminology and automated calculations to make trading beautifully simple.

Practice trading risk-free in 100% real market conditions with a non-expiring £20,000 Demo Account. Open a Real Account when you gain confidence and trade in a fair and secure environment.

With iTrend you:

- trade on a unique, regularly updated platform
- get real-time quotes for over 400 financial instruments
- benefit from rapid order execution
- react instantly to the market and buy or sell with a single tap
- have access to highly-competent customer support in multiple languages

iTrend is a service of the licensed investment intermediary Avus Capital Ltd. and operates in accordance with the European Financial Directive MiFID.